3C-FD - Dev Droid

Table of Contents


During the tutorial Ebon Hawk section of the game (commonly referred to as the prologue), we receive a temporary party member to teach about the Party system: 3C-FD. This character was never intended to be removed from the prologue, and has some interesting properties in other modules.

As it turns out 3C-FD was used during the development of the game to test various features, particularly on Peragus. Many of these test cheats are still enabled on 3C, provided you can acquire him. By using a Hotshot from the Prologue we can extricate 3C from the Ebon Hawk, and use him anywhere in the game, for a variety of interesting phenomena.

How To

  1. Use a previously prepared save to Hotshot to the Prologue
  2. Following the tutorial to unlock the door to the main hold
  3. Collect parts from the destroyed Gonk Droid
  4. Enter into the Cargo hold and run up to 3C
  5. Repair and add him to the party.
  6. Hotshot to the module where he is needed
  7. Speak to him to perform whatever trick is needed.

Video Example

Courtesy of 30cents:


This section lists all of the conversation options of the dev droid, and where they can be found. Options with obvious results receive no explanation. Options with no known effect are marked: NKE.

Peragus Admin Level

Peragus Mining Tunnels

Peragus Fuel Depot

Peragus Asteroid Exterior

Peragus Dormitories

Peragus Hanger Bay

Harbinger Command Deck

Harbinger Crew Quarters

Harbinger Engine Deck

Telos Restoration Zone

Telos Secret Academy

Nar Shadaa Docks

Nar Shadaa Jekk’Jekk Tarr

Malachor V Trayus Academy